Legal experience
Rector of the African Institute of International Law (Arusha, Tanzania).
President of the High-Level Panel of International Legal Experts established by the Conference of States Parties to the 2005 International Convention against Doping in Sport (UNESCO, Paris).
Since 11 January 2020 : Member of the Committee of Experts to formulate proposals for the revision of the Algerian Constitution, established by the President of the Algerian Republic.
Since February 2009 : International Senior Expert, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Geneva.
January 2007/August 2008 : Consultant, Permanent Delegation of the African Union in Geneva.
November 2005 : Independent Expert, African Union, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Drafter of the Preliminary Draft Protocol establishing the African Court of Justice and Human Rights adopted by the Assembly of the African Union in Sharm El-Sheikh in July 2008.
August/October 1994 : Human Rights Officer (in Rwanda), United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva), Assisting the Special Rapporteur for Rwanda of the Commission on Human Rights and the Independent Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 935 (1994), in the drafting of their reports (which led to the establishment on 8 November 1994 of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda).
August 1992/July 1994 : Legal Officer, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations (New York).
March/April 1992 : Consultant, Department of International Norms, International Labour Office (Geneva).